The construction board for your do-it-yourself project

Solid John warranty plywood is a type of concrete plywood developed to be durable in damp conditions.

Moisture-resistant film faced plywood

Exceptional performance

Some DIY applications of our plywood

With targeted moisture-resistance and performance

For years, our experts worked on the development of moisture-resistant guarantee concrete plywood. In Indonesia, we found wood species that withstand weather and wind. This tropical hardwood is known for its exceptional load-bearing capacity. Both assets perfectly meet the highest quality standards we set at Solid John.

  1. The right mix of selected wood species
  2. Guaranteed WBP bonding (Water Boil Proof)
  3. Efficient and sturdy with a thickness of 15mm
  4. Excellent durability

A transparent warranty is something of a pet subject at Solid John’s.

Just about every product we encounter every day has a warranty policy, only we usually don’t know in what way. A transparent warranty is Solid John’s hobbyhorse. We offer you a “warranty plywood” and in return we offer a concrete “guarantee.”